Tuesday, July 21, 2015

fb color code
Here are the Color Codes to update your facebook’s status colorfully with them: <*fg=b0ffd700> 
Golden <*fg=b0000000>
 Black <*fg=b0ff7f00>
 Orange <*fg=b0ffff00>
 Yellow <*fg=b0ff00ff> 
Light pink <*fg=b0ff007f>
 Dark pink <*fg=b0ff0000>
 Redish pink <*fg=b0800000>
 Brown <*fg=b0ffc0cb> 
Light purple <*fg=b06f00ff> 
Dark blue <*fg=b0c0c0c0> 
Grey <*fg=80ffffff> 
Sky blue <*fg=b000ffff>
 Light blue <*fg=b0bf00ff>
 Purple <*fg=b08f00ff> 
Dark purple <*fg=b0808000>
 Dark Green <*fg=b0ba55d3> 
Light purple <*fg=b0f000f0> 
Color <*fg=b00000ff> 
Blue <*fg=b0b08080> 
Steel grey <*fg=b0000080> 
Movve Color <*fg=b0964b00>
 Light brown <*fg=f0f00f0f> 
Red <*fg=b000ff00> 
Green The tag ''fg'' is used for font
 color & ''bg'' for the background color 
(Fg can be replaced with ''bg'' to 
change the back ground color.) <*b> can be 
used to Bold the font of the text! 
Note: 1.Before using every code
 remove ''*'' from every it. 
2.Try the codes above in
 Facebook’s Application not in web browser.



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