Friday, August 28, 2015

Transfer Files Between PC and Android

airdroidWe normally use Data Cable (USB) or bluetooth (in laptop) to transfer files from our Android smartphone to our PC. Both the transfer methods are quite simple. But daily usage of USB cable is sometimes irritating and annoying for most of the users to carry USB cable with them though the transferring speed via USB is pretty high.
There is an App called Airdroid which is used to interact PC with smartphones in many possible ways!

Getting Started

Transfer Files Between Android And PC Using AirDroid 

AirDroid is a free and easy to use android app which helps us to manage our Android device via PC’s web browser. AirDroid is used for both receiving and sending files between PC and Android Phone. No USB cable, Driver installation is required, Just install Airdroid app In your smart phones and enjoy transferring files between your PC and android phones.Airdroid3

Steps to transfer files between Android and PC using AirDroid

NOTE: Connect to your PC’s Wi-Fi network from your Android device. Means, both the PC and the Android smartphone must be connected to the same network.

Download AirDroid

  • Download and Install AirDroid app from the Google Play Store.
  • Once app is installed, Lanch the app and it will start AirDroid Server.
  • Now you’ll see connectivity options such as web URL, IP address, Scan QR Code options on app. airdroid server connect
  • On your PC, Go to AirDroid Web Interface. You’ll see something like the image below.
AirDroid Web Interface

  • Here you can see QR code is displayed on the home page. Simply scan this code with your phone, by pressing on the Scan QR Code button of the AirDroid App.
Once both the devices are connected, the model of your android device will appear at the top right screen of your PC.

Transfer Files From PC To Android Device

To transfer a file to you android phone from PC, Just select the file tab from the AirDroid toolbox and click on the folder /file icon to select from any file from your PC and Click on Upload Button.transfer file to android
After selecting the file, AirDroid will start transferring the file to your android phone. Like wise you can also transfer entire folders to your android phone.

Transferring Files From Android Phone To PC

If you want to transfer files from your Android device to your PC, then you have to use the AirDroid web interface on your PC. All you need to do is click on the files icon from AirDroid’s web interface and select a file, right click on it and click on download option.Transferring Files From Android Phone To PC
The file will be downloaded to your PC as regular downloads. You can find this file at Downloads section of your browser.

Find Who is Connected to Your Wi-Fi

Worried of slow connections on using Wi-Fi? Do you think somebody might been using your Wi-Fi connection?  How will it be if you been able to find who is connected to your Wi-Fi with (or without) your know?

Yes, it is Possible for you to find who is using your Wi-Fi connection.
Lets Get Started:
There are two methods available for you to find the connected devices with your router.

1) Finding Devices Connected to WiFi Connection

Via Router:

By default, all the router provides with this feature. For that, we need to login to your router’s admin panel and move over to Connected Devices. Your Router configuration page can provide you so much of information about your WiFi connection including the number of people connected to your WiFi connection.
The router’s admin panel differs with each model, and here it is for netgear router.

2) Using Tools(softwares)-the easiest method:

If you could not follow with the first method, then this trick will help you to find out the connected devices.
Download and Install (any one of the below tools)
  • In this method you will be using a small tool to scan your WiFi connection for the connected devices, Press Scan
  • As soon as you run and scan the tool you will get the complete list of devices connected to your WiFi connection along with their assigned IP address and Mac Address.
By this way you will need to find who is connected to your Wi-Fi.
Incase if you find any other ip and a MAC address apart from yours, you can block that particular MAC address from getting connected to your connection.

Secure your Router WIFI

Configure your router:

Goto your router’s official website and check  with your model number for a firmware update. If there is an update for your model, then download and install it. By doing this, your router will have the latest firmware thus resulting in less attacks and security.

Find the list of Connected Devices:

Look out for this option on your router interface. A button named link or attached devices will take you to the list. This list can be seen on the configuration page of WiFi or on any status page which will bring out complete information about the users of the router.

Make Your μTorrent Download Faster

μTorrentμTorrent is one of the BitTorrent client and it is the most commonly preferred software to download the files via torrent. But sometimes the download speed will not be stable , as and then it reduces irrespectively . This is because it depends mainly on these two factors, Seeds and Leeches.
 Be sure that everything I have checked is checked on your client. Most of this comes by default. The most important thing here is “Protocol Encryption.”Be sure this is set to Enabled, and that “Allow incoming legacy connections” is checked.

Make μTorrent Faster Using Bandwidth

  • Open the μTorrent client,
               μTorrent-> Options-> Preferences
  • Select the Connections tab and enter “45682” into the “Port used for incoming connections” box.
  • Scroll to the bottom of that same window and enter “65” into the “Global maximum upload rate” box and “0” into the “Global maximum download rate” box under “Bandwidth Limiting.”
  • Open the Utorrent tab and enter “1890” into the “Global maximum number of connections” box, “2329” into the “Maximum number of connected peers per torrent” box, and “14” into the “Number of upload slots per torrent” box. Be sure to select every box on this screen and ensure that the Outgoing Protocol Encryption is set to “Enabled.”
  • Click on the Queueing tab and enter “60” into the box for number of active torrents and “63” into the box for number of active downloads. Ensure that the Seed Ratio is set to 100% and uncheck every box on this screen.
Click Apply and restart μTorrent . You are done!

Alternative method:

Changing the Download Speed

1) Double click on the download. A menu will pop up. On the menu it will say “maximum download speed” (or something similar). For example, it will say something like 0.2 KB/s.t
2) Change that number to any higher number as you wish, like in screenshot below:
Watch out your μTorrent download speed(it takes a while)  now, it should have increased respective of your data speed.

Convert a Webpage into a PDF File

pdfWhen we visit to a new website to collect some information, and in case if we want the entire copy of that particular website/page to our system, then we cannot copy all the contents(only text) into a notepad file.
By doing that, we may lose the rich contents (images) which is presented in a graphical way.
So, to perform this task to convert a webpage onto a PDF and download for offline use, This is applicable only to Google Chrome browser. Other browsers apart from Chrome, doesn’t have this feature. Follow the simple steps below:

  • Open Google Chrome browser on PC or MAC.
  • Then go to the web page that you want to convert as a PDF.
  • Now press Ctrl+P on Windows PC or Command+P if you are on a Mac to Open the the Print dialog on Chrome Browser.
  • Then, Click on destination button to change the print format to PDF to download it to your PC
After clicking on the destination button, a popup window willl appear, showing Local Destinations column. On this column, you will find Save as PDF.
  • Change the destination to “Save As PDF” and hit the save button.
  • The current web page will instantly be downloaded as a PDF document.
 NOTE: This is applicable only to Google Chrome Browser.

How to Activate “God Mode” in Windows 10

The feature first appeared in Windows 7, but in case you were not aware of it, “God Mode,” which is a hidden menu allowing you to access all available configuration parameters in one
simple location, is still available in Windows 10.
The only thing your need to do to activate
“God Mode” is to create a new folder on you
desktop (right click your desktop -> New ->
Folder) and then assign this name to it:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Some Q-BASIC PROGRAMS for beginners

1)Write a program to enter your name and print it .

Input 'Enter you name';n$
Print 'The name is';n$

2)Write a program to enter your name, city, country, age and print them.

Input " Enter the name ";N$
Input " Enter the city";C$
Input " Enter the country";CO$
Input " Enter the age";A
Print " The name is ";N$
Print " The city is ";C$
Print " The country is ";CO$
Print " The age is ";A

3)Write a program to find the area of rectangle.

Input " enter the length " ;l
Input " enter the breadth " ;b
let A = l*b
Print" the area of rectangle=" ;a

4)Write a program to find the area of the triangle.

Input " enter the base" ;b
Input " enter the height" ;h
let T = 1/2*b*h
Print" The area of triangle=" ;T

5)Write a program to find the area of the circle.

Input" Enter the radius " ;R
Let C=22/7*R^2
Print " The area of circle =" ;C

6)Write a program to find the circumference of the circle.

Input" Enter the radius " ;R
Let Circumference=22/7*R*2
Print " The area of circle =" ;Circumference

7)Write a program to find the area of the square.

Input" Enter the number" ;n
Let square= n^2
Print" The area of square=" ;Square

8)Write a program to find the area of the square and cube.

Input" Enter the number" ;n
Let square= n^2
Let Cube = n^3
Print" The area of square=" ;Square
Print" The area of cube=" ; Cube

9)Write a program to find the volume of the box.

Input " enter the length " ;l
Input " enter the breadth " ;b
Input " enter the height " ;h
Let Volume= l*b*h
Print" The volume of box =" ;Volume

10)Write a program to convert the weight from kilogram to pounds.

Input"Enter the weight in kilogram";K
Let P=K*2.2
Print "The pound is ";P

11)Write a program to convert the distance from kilometer to miles.

Input"Enter the length in kilometer";K
Let M= K / 1.6

Print "The length in miles =";M

12)Write a program to convert the distance from miles to kilomiles.

Input " Enter the length in miles";M
Let K=M*1.6
Print" The length in kilo miles=";K

13)Write a program to enter the initial mileage(m1) and final mileage (m2) then calculate the distance traveled.

Input "Enter the Initial Mileage";M1
Input "Enter the Final Mileage";M2
Let D= M2-M1
Print " The distance covered=";D

14)Write a program to find out the simple Interest.

Input " Enter the Principal";P
Input " Enter the Rate";R
Input " Enter the Time";T
Let I = P*T*R/100
Print " The simple Interest = ";I

15)Write a program to find out the simple Interest and the Amount.

Input " Enter the Principal";P
Input " Enter the Rate";R
Input " Enter the Time";T
Let I = P*T*R/100
Let A= P + I
Print " The simple Interest = ";I
Print " The amount=";A

16)Write any number and find it's half.
Input "Enter the desired number "; N
Let H = N/2
Print "The half of the number = ";H

17)Write a program to find the area of four walls of a room.

Input"Enter the height ";H
Input"Enter the length "; L
Input"Enter the Breadth";B
Let A= 2 * H * (L+B)
Print " The area of four walls =";A

18)Write a program to find the perimeter of a rectangle.

Input " enter the length " ;l
Input " enter the breadth " ;b
Let P=2*(l+b)
Print" The perimeter of rectangle=" ;P

19)Write a program to enter any three numbers,sum and the average.

Input " Enter any number" ;A
Input " Enter any number" ;B
Input " Enter any number" ;C
Let Sum = A+B+C
Let Average =Sum/3
Print" The sum=" ;Sum
Print" The Average is " ;Average

20)Write a program to enter any two numbers their Sum,Product and the Difference.

Input " Enter any number" ;A
Input " Enter any number" ;B
Let Sum = A+B
Let Difference= A-B
Let Product = A*B
Print" the sum =" ;Sum
Print" the Difference =" ;Difference
Print" the Product =" ; Product

21)Write a program to find the average of three different numbers.

Input" Enter the number " ;A
Input" Enter the number " ;B
Input" Enter the number " ;C
Let Avg= (A+B+C)/3
Print" The average=" ;Avg

22)Write a program to input student's name,marks obtained in four different subjects,find the total and average marks.

Input" Enter the name " ;N$
Input" Enter the marks in English" ;E
Input" Enter the marks in Maths" ;M
Input" Enter the marks in Science" ;S
Input" Enter the marks in Nepali" ;N
Let S=E+M+S+N
Let A=S/4
Print " The name of the student is" ;N$
Print " The total marks is" ;S
Print " The Average marks" ;A

23)Write a program to find 10%,20% and 30% of the input number.

Input" Enter any number" ;N
Let T=10/100*N
Let Twe=20/100*N
Let Thi=30/100*N
Print " 10%of input number=" ;T
Print " 20%of input number=" ;Twe
Print " 30%of input number=" ;Thi

24)Write a program to convert the distance to kilometer to miles.

Input" Enter the kilometer" ;K
Let M=K/1.6
Print " The miles = " ;M

25)Write a program to find the perimeter of square.

Input “Enter the length”; L
Let P =4 * L
Print “ The perimeter of square=”;P

26)Write a program to enter the Nepalese currency and covert it to Indian Currency.

Input “Enter the Nepalese currency” ;N
Let I = N * 1.6
Print “the Indian currency=”;I

27)Write a program to enter the Indian currency and covert it to Nepalese Currency.

Input “Enter the Indian currency” ;N
Let N = I / 1.6
Print “the Nepalese currency=”;I

28)Write a program to enter any number and find out whether it is negative or positive.

Input “Enter the number”; N
If N>0 Then
Print “ The number is positive”
Print “The number is negative”

29)Write a program to enter any number and find out whether it is even or odd using select case statement.

Input “Enter any number” ;N
R=N mod 2
Select case R
Case = 0
Print “The number is Even number”
Case Else
Print “The number is odd number”
End Select

30)Write a program to check the numbers between 1 & 3.

Input “Enter the numbers between 1-3”;N
Select case N
Case 1
Print “It’s number 1”;
Case 2
Print “It’s a number 2”;
Case 3
Print “It’s a number 3”
Case else
Print “It’s out of range”;
End select

31)Write a program to enter any alphabet and test alphabet is ‘a’ or not using the select case statement.

Input “Enter the alphabet”;A$
A$=UCase$ (A$)
Select Case A$
Case ‘A’
Print “It’s alphabet A”
Case Else
Print “It’s not alphabet A”
End Select

32)Write a program to enter any alphabet and find out whether the number is vowel or alphabet.

Input “Enter Letters/Alphabet”;A$
A$ = UCase $ (A$)
Select case A$
Case “A”, “E”, “I”, “O”, “U”
Print “Its’ a vowel”
Case Else
Print “ It’s not a vowel”
End Select

33)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

For I = 1 to 50 Step 1
Print I
Next I

34)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

For I = 1 to 99 Step 2
Print I
Next I

35)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

For I = 2 to 50 Step 2
Print I
Next I

36)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

ClsFor I = 1 to 99 Step 2

Print I
Next I

37)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

For I = 5 to 90 Step 5
Print I
Next I

38) Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

For I = 10 to 100 Step 10
Print I
Next I

39)Write a program to print numbers stated below USING WHILE…WEND STATEMENT.

I = 1
While I<=100
Print I ;
I = I + 1

40)Generate the following numbers using For….Next…..Loop.

I = 2
While I < =50
Print I;
I = I + 2

41)Write a program to print numbers stated below USING WHILE…WEND STATEMENT.

I = 1
While I <=99
Print I;
I = I + 2

42)Write a program to print numbers stated below USING WHILE…WEND STATEMENT.
1,4,9,…upto 10th term.

While I < =10
Print I^2;
I = I + 1

If you have found any mistake then i am so sorry :-p  ^_^   *_* 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fastest way to hack into someone's computer

steps: -

1.Download software PORT SCANNER. Also you could use port scanner from Nettools. Download link  just Google for it
2.Copy the IP address of the victim whose port is open.
3.Download NETLAB which gives you all information including the victim ip address and area from where he is accessing internet.
4.Paste the ip of victim u found initially into NETLAB .Thats it u access his system 
click here to download NETLAB (torrent link from

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Change Windows 10 Login Screen Image

Until you have the built-in option, here is a simple way to change the Windows 10 login screen wallpaper to your own wallpaper or to a solid color.

Note: changing the login screen wallpaper is never a straight forward thing in Windows. So only follow the below procedure at your own risk, as changing system files may sometimes mess with how your PC works.
Since Windows doesn’t provide any built-in way to change the login screen wallpaper, we are going to use theWindows 10 Login Screen Image Changer app. The application is lightweight and portable.
Once you’ve downloaded the application, extract and launch it. As you can see, the app displays the current  wallpaper in use for the login screen. To change it, click on the “Select an image” button.

Here, browse for the wallpaper you want use as a replacement and select it. In my case, I’m selecting the officialWindows 8 wallpaper.
As soon as you select the wallpaper, the app displays a preview. Simply click on the “Apply” button to save the changes. If you don’t want the wallpaper to be applied to the lock screen, then don’t forget to uncheck the “Apply to Lock Screen” checkbox.

If the login wallpaper has been changed successfully, you will receive a message letting you know.
The changes are instantaneous, and if you lock your PC using the shortcut “Win + L,” you will see that the login screen wallpaper has been changed.

It is that simple to change the login screen wallpaper in Windows 10.

Other than changing the login screen wallpaper, you can also remove the wallpaper entirely and replace it with a solid color. To do that,we need to add a new Windows Registry key.
To start, press “Win + R,” type regedit and press the Enter button to open the Windows Registry.
In the Registry window, navigate to the following key:
Here, we need to create a new “dword” value. To do that, right click on the right pane, select “New” and then “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
Now, name the value as “DisableLogonBackgroundImage” and press the Enter button.
After creating the new value, double-click on it, enter a new value as “1” and click on the “Ok” button to save the changes.
Just restart your system, and the login screen wallpaper is replaced with a solid color. If you ever want to revert back, either delete the newly created key or change the value back to “0.”

You can easily customize the color by changing the Accent Color in the Personalization Settings panel. If you have selected the Automatic Accent Color option, then the color is automatically chosen by Windows according to your desktop wallpaper.

How to Enable and Set Up Cortana in Windows 10

So in this quick article let me show you how to enable and set up Cortana to work for you.
Even though Cortana is disabled by default, enabling and configuring Cortana is just a matter of clicks. However, Cortana is not available in all countries. That being said, there is a workaround to activate Cortana if it is not available in your country or region.
To start, search for “Region and Language Settings” in the start menu, and select it to open the “Time and Language settings” panel.
Here, select your Country as “United States” from the drop-down menu.
Now, select the “Speech” tab in the left pane, and select your language as “English (United States)” from the drop-down menu. If you are not a native English speaker, then you might need to select the “Recognize non-native accents for this language” checkbox so that Cortana can understand you when you speak to her.
Now, click on the search bar appearing right next to the Start button. This action brings Cortana forward; just click on the “Next” button to continue.
If you’ve hidden Cortana in the taskbar, you can unhide it by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting the “Cortana -> Show Cortana Icon” option.
In order to enable Cortana, you first need to accept the terms and conditions. Read it and click on the “I Agree” button to continue.
After accepting the terms and conditions, enter your name and click on the “Next” button. This is the name Cortana uses to interact with you. You can always change it whenever you need to.
If you are using a local account to manage your Windows 10 system, then you need to switch it to the Microsoftaccount, assuming that you already have one. Cortana automatically initiates the procedure; simply enter your current local password and click on the “Next” button.
Now enter your Microsoft account email address and password and click on the “Next” button to continue.
In the next screen you might want to verify your mobile phone number through the code sent to it. If you are using two-step authentication, then enter the generated code and click on the “Next” button.
In this screen, click on the “Switch” button to complete the account switching process.
You’ve successfully enabled Cortana, and you can start using it by simply pressing the “mic” icon or the “Win + C”keyboard shortcut.
You can also activate Cortana by simply saying “Hey Cortana” into your microphone, but you need to enable the option. To do that, open Cortana’s Notebook and select “Settings.”
Now, scroll down and toggle the “Let Cortana respond to Hey Cortana” option.
If Cortana thinks your microphone is not compatible, it will open the “Set up your mic” wizard. Simply click on the “Next” button.
In this screen, Cortana will present a few sentences. Just read them into your microphone.
Cortana automatically detects that and completes your microphone set up.
From this point onward, you can use Cortana by clicking on the mic icon, by pressing the “Win + C” keyboardshortcut, or by simply saying “Hey Cortana” into your microphone.
Moreover, you can manage what Cortana can and cannot do and collect from the Notebook. The book is divided into several categories, and each category has several options for minute control. For instance, if you don’t want Cortana to collect data or show notifications about your travels, you can do so by disabling the travel option in the Notebook.